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Children of the Promise: Far from Home by Dean Hughes

Updated: Sep 22, 2018

Star Rating: 4/5

Notes: References to sabotage, assault, abuse, death, blood, gore, relationships, violence, and separation

With the War still raging on around them, the Stolz family has to conceal their identity to keep away from Nazi agents and avoid capture. Brother Stolz is working as a spy, his daughter Anna is pinning for her love Alex Thomas, and their family is now in England. Wally, Alex's brother, is still a Prisoner of War and being abused by his captors in a coal mine deep in Japan's countryside, while trying to stay alive as others die around him. Alex is battling Nazi forces and trying to keep the young men he's in charge of, alive, especially Howie who is the youngest in his regiment. Will the war end soon or will fox holes and strange names be their permanent reality?

I gave it a 4/5 because there is a scene of sexual assault between two characters, there's a lot of violence and it begins to show the graphic side of war that some readers may not find too easy to read. It is a great book and I would read it again though!

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